Wishbone executableΒΆ

The wishbone executable takes care of many aspects of setting up your service. It accepts following commands:

  • start

    $ wishbone start --help
    usage: wishbone start [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--frequency FREQUENCY] [--graph]
                          [--graph_include_sys] [--identification IDENTIFICATION]
                          [--instances INSTANCES] [--log_level LOG_LEVEL] [--fork]
                          [--nocolor] [--pid PID] [--profile]
                          [--queue_size QUEUE_SIZE]
    Starts a Wishbone instance and detaches to the background. Logs are written to
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --config CONFIG       The Wishbone bootstrap file to load.
      --frequency FREQUENCY
                            The metric frequency.
      --graph               When enabled starts a webserver on 8088 showing a
                            graph of connected modules and queues.
      --graph-include-sys   When enabled includes logs and metrics related queues
                            modules and queues to graph layout.
      --identification IDENTIFICATION
                            An identifier string for generated logs.
      --instances INSTANCES
                            The number of parallel Wishbone instances to
      --loglevel  LOG_LEVEL
                            The maximum loglevel.
      --fork                When defined forks Wishbone to background and INFO
                            logs are written to STDOUT.
      --nocolor             When defined does not print colored output to stdout.
      --pid PID             The pidfile to use.
      --profile             When enabled profiles the process and dumps a Chrome
                            developer tools profile file in the current directory.
      --queue-size QUEUE_SIZE
                            The queue size to use.
  • list

    $ wishbone list --help
    usage: wishbone list [-h] [--namespace NAMESPACE]
    Lists the available modules.
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --namespace NAMESPACE
                            The component namespace to query.
  • stop

    $ wishbone stop --help
    usage: wishbone stop [-h] [--pid PID]
    Tries to gracefully stop the Wishbone instance.
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help  show this help message and exit
      --pid PID   The pidfile to use.
  • show

$ wishbone show --help
usage: wishbone show [-h] (--docs DOCS | --code CODE)

Shows information about a component.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --docs DOCS  Shows the documentation of the component.
  --code CODE  Shows the code of the refered component.