Source code for wishbone.componentmanager

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright 2018 Jelle Smet <>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
#  MA 02110-1301, USA.

import pkg_resources
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from wishbone.error import InvalidComponent, NoSuchComponent
from import Actor
from wishbone.function.template import TemplateFunction
from wishbone.function.module import ModuleFunction
from wishbone.protocol import Encode
from wishbone.protocol import Decode

[docs]class ComponentManager(): ''' Loads Wishbone components and information. When initiated it indexes all the Wishbone components found in the available ``<namespace>.<component_type>.<category>`` combinations. A complete component reference would then be something like: ``wishbone.module.process.modify`` - ``wishbone`` is the namespace - ``module`` is the component type - ``process`` is the component category - ``modify`` is the name of the component Note: The default Wishbone namespaces are ``wishbone``, for the builtin modules and ``wishbone_contrib`` or ``wishbone_external`` for externally developed components. There exist 3 component types: - module - function - protocol Args: namespace (list): The list of namespaces to search for <categories> module_categories (list): The list of module categories to search function_categories (list): The list of function categories to search ''' COMPONENT_TYPES = [ "protocol", "module", "function", ] def __init__(self, namespace=["wishbone", "wishbone_contrib", "wishbone_external"], protocol_categories=["encode", "decode"], module_categories=["flow", "input", "output", "process"], function_categories=["template", "module"], ): self.namespace = namespace self.component_types = ["protocol", "module", "function"] self.protocol_categories = protocol_categories self.module_categories = module_categories self.function_categories = function_categories
[docs] def exists(self, name): ''' Validates whether the component with <name> exists. Args: name (str): The complete name of the component. Returns: bool: True if component exists. False otherwise. ''' if self.getComponentByName(name) is None: return False else: return True
[docs] def getComponent(self, namespace, component_type, category, name): ''' Returns the module with name <namespace>.<component_type>.<category>.<name> <namespace>.<component_type>.<category>.<name> must be an entrypoint. Args: namespace (str): The component namespace component_type (str): The component type. category (str): The component category. name (str): The component name. Returns: class: A ``wishbone.Actor``, ``wishbone.Function`` based class Raises: NoSuchComponent: The module does not exist. InvalidComponent: There was module found but it was not deemed valid. ''' m = None for module in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points("%s.%s.%s" % (namespace, component_type, category)): if == name: m = module.load() break if m is None: raise NoSuchComponent("Component %s.%s.%s.%s cannot be found." % (namespace, component_type, category, name)) else: if issubclass(m, Actor) or issubclass(m, TemplateFunction) or issubclass(m, ModuleFunction) or issubclass(m, Decode) or issubclass(m, Encode): return m else: raise InvalidComponent("'%s.%s.%s.%s' is not a valid wishbone component." % (namespace, component_type, category, name))
[docs] def getComponentByName(self, name): ''' Returns the module with name ``name``. ``name`` should be a valid entrypoint. Args: name (str): The complete module name. Returns: class: A `wishbone.Actor` or `wishbone.Function` based class Raises: NoSuchComponent: The module does not exist. InvalidComponent: There was module found but it was not deemed valid. ''' self.validateComponentName(name) (namespace, component_type, category, name) = name.split('.') return self.getComponent(namespace, component_type, category, name)
[docs] def getComponentList(self): ''' Finds and lists all the components found at the defined <namespace>.<module_categories>. combinations. Yields: tuple: A 4 element tuple: (`namespace`, `component_type`, `category`, `name`) ''' for namespace in self.namespace: for category in sorted(self.protocol_categories): prefix = "%s.protocol.%s" % (namespace, category) for item in [ for m in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group=prefix)]: yield (namespace, "protocol", category, item) for category in sorted(self.function_categories): prefix = "%s.function.%s" % (namespace, category) for item in [ for m in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group=prefix)]: yield (namespace, "function", category, item) for category in sorted(self.module_categories): prefix = "%s.module.%s" % (namespace, category) for item in [ for m in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group=prefix)]: yield (namespace, "module", category, item)
[docs] def getComponentDoc(self, namespace, component_type, category, name): ''' Returns the docstring of module `namespace`.`category`.`group`.`name` Args: namespace (str): The namespace value. component_type (str): The component type. category (str): The component type category. name (str): The component name name. Returns: str: The docstring of the module. Raises: InvalidModule: The docstring does not have the correct format. ''' doc = self.getComponent(namespace, component_type, category, name).__doc__ if doc is None: raise InvalidComponent("Component '%s' does not seem to have the expected docstring format." % ()) else: return doc
[docs] def getComponentTitle(self, namespace, component_type, category, name): ''' Returns the title of the module `category`.`group`.`name` docstring. Args: namespace (str): The namespace value. component_type (str): The component type. category (str): The component type category. name (str): The component name name. Returns: str: The docstring/module title Raises: InvalidModule: The docstring does not have the correct format. ''' doc = self.getComponent(namespace, component_type, category, name).__doc__ if doc is None: return "The component doesn't have a docstring." title = doc.strip().split('\n')[0].strip('*') if title is None: raise InvalidComponent("Component '%s' does not seem to have the expected docstring format." % (name)) else: return title
[docs] def getComponentTable(self): ''' Returns an ascii table of all found Wishbone components. Returns: str: The ascii table containing all modules. ''' table = self.__getComponentTable() namespace_header = None component_type_header = None category_header = None for (namespace, component_type, category, name) in self.getComponentList(): title = self.getComponentTitle(namespace, component_type, category, name) version = self.getComponentVersion(namespace, component_type, category, name) if namespace_header == namespace: namespace = "" else: namespace_header = namespace component_type_header = None category_header = None if component_type_header == component_type: component_type = "" else: component_type_header = component_type if category_header == category: category = "" else: category_header = category table.add_row(["", "", "", "", "", ""]) table.add_row([namespace, component_type, category, name, version, title]) table.add_row(["", "", "", "", "", ""]) return table.get_string()
[docs] def getComponentVersion(self, namespace, component_type, category, name): ''' Returns the version of the module. Args: namespace (str): The namespace value. component_type (str): The component type. category (str): The component type category. name (str): The component name name. Returns: str: The version of the module. ''' try: for module in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points("%s.%s.%s" % (namespace, component_type, category)): if == name: return module.dist.version except: return "?"
[docs] def validateComponentName(self, name): ''' Validates a component reference name for the proper format. Args: name (str): The name to validate. Returns: bool: True when valid. False when invalid. ''' if len(name.split('.')) != 4: raise InvalidComponent("Component name '%s' should consist out of 4 parts." % (name)) if name.split('.')[1] not in self.COMPONENT_TYPES: raise InvalidComponent("Component name '%s' has an invalid component type name." % (name)) return True
def __getComponentTable(self): ''' Returns a skeleton ascii module table object ''' t = PrettyTable(["Namespace", "Component type", "Category", "Name", "Version", "Description"]) t.align["Namespace"] = "l" t.align["Component type"] = "l" t.align["Category"] = "l" t.align["Name"] = "l" t.align["Version"] = "r" t.align["Description"] = "l" return t